The Lessons I've Learned
Hey girl, I’m Maddy (from @livingnsunshine on Instagram), and welcome to The Lessons I've Learned podcast! Every two weeks you can tune into a brand new episode about a different lesson I've learned so far in my life--and trust me, I've learned A LOT! My hope for this show is to make space for you to learn from me so that when you learn the same lesson I have, you feel less alone. Grab a drink and get cozy and let's listen to the lesson I've learned.
The Lessons I've Learned
147: [INTERVIEW] How to Foster a Joyful Relationship with MONEY with Brooke Tyler Benson
In today’s new episode, we are tackling the topic of MONEY and how to foster an intentional, joyful relationship with it. I was lucky enough to sit down with Brooke Tyler Benson from NotStarvingArtists who is a money coach and AEA actor! She and I talk about how to build a better relationship with money as millennials, creatives, and people who do not fit inside the standard money norms! If you are someone who is focusing on financial literacy, this episode is for you!
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