Living in Sunshine

160: [Education] The Power of the Pivot & Being Okay With Changing Your Mind

Maddy Fry Episode 160

If you have followed me for long enough, YOU KNOW how often I have changed my mind, done new things, and pivoted in who I am as a person. My 20’s have been a constant trial and error in finding what I love. Sometimes, it can feel really unsettling to feel like you can’t “make up your mind” when in reality, knowing when it's time to change your mind and do something new is such a superpower. We aren’t ALL meant to do the same thing our whole lives and if you’re that kind of person, this episode is for you!

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Good morning, my beautiful angels. Happy Wednesday and welcome back to another brand new episode of The Living in sunshine podcast. I am super excited about today's new episode because it is something that y'all have witnessed me do 40 million times. Oh boy, anyone who has been here long enough knows that I am the queen of changing her mind. And before we get into this episode, I just want to give a small plug for the sunshine squad. In case you have been missing our weekly podcast episodes, the summer break is 100% intentional, because I like to really dig into the sunshine squat over the summer months, and put a lot of time and energy into those women who are in that space in that capacity. So if you are someone who wishes you are getting more trainings and tools and things from me, definitely check out the sunshine squad, I will link it in the show notes. It's actually always linked in the show notes. It is my monthly community where women come together for this like intentional incubator of joyful living, right, like we come together. Every day we check in. There's different types of check ins. Some of them are really intentional. Some of them are just like whimsical and fun. And just like spur of the moment things, I tend to do weekly bonus trainings within that membership as well. But what you do get our monthly master classes for me live zoom master classes from me based off of topics that I see members talking about or asking questions around. And we also have a co working session, which has been really great for those happy hustlers, who are in the squad who are wanting to just have a little bit of community while they get their workday done. Because working at home on your own business can be really frickin lonely. So if you are someone who has been missing the weekly podcast episodes, I do encourage you to check out the sunshine squad. It's a really great way to get more community and connection in your life while also supporting the message and the intention of everything living in sunshine as well. If you have any questions on the sunshine squad it feel free to send me a message over on Instagram. My handle is at living the letter N sunshine. And we can talk about whether or not it's a good fit over there. But I just wanted to let you guys know that I am still around. I know that we're doing bi weekly podcast episodes now. I am showing up every single day inside the sunshine squad for all the amazing, incredible women in there. And we would love to see you inside. Okay, so let's talk about our topic of today's podcast episode, which is the power of the pivot and being okay with changing your mind. Okay. And this is something that I've talked about, I think on the podcast before, if not, I've definitely talked about it, either on Instagram stories or even within the sunshine squad of rooting yourself and settling my own personal heart and knowing that it's okay to change your mind. So for context, very, very boiled down context. I am 29 years old, I graduated from college at 2324. And between those six years, I have done a lot of stuff. I went to school to be a teacher. I tried to get a job as a teacher. When I was living in New Jersey. Everyone close the door in my face. Not very kindly people in New Jersey I found are nice, but I'm from the Midwest. So they're a different type of nice. And what I am from Ohio, if you know what I mean, you know what I mean? I love New Jersey and please don't come for me if you live in New Jersey. You guys are just a different kind of nice. Um, but anyway, no one wanted to hire me I could not find a job saved my life. I worked as a retail manager for a few years, which I loved. I literally think about going back into working in retail all the time because I genuinely love it that much. I was an online teacher. I've worked in network marketing a couple of times, I started the podcast, I became an online teacher for a charter school for a hot minute. I have been a virtual assistant, I still do virtual assisting and OBM work. And I have just done a lot of things and I have changed my mind a million times in the last six years. A couple of weeks ago I was talking about things I think about what I taught before I turned 30 which is a really good episode. I encourage you to go listen to it. It's the first episode from July. But that was one of the things that was running through my mind is like, I found a lot of things in my 20s. But anyway, not to get off topic. I have changed my mind a lot. And this is something that I've actually talked to Mary about a lot. And Mary, in case you don't know is my therapist. In being okay. And knowing that it's okay to change your mind like it is, there's nothing wrong with with trying a bunch of things out trying a bunch of different things on for size and pivoting when things no longer feel like they're the right fit, right. And Mary said this quite point pointedly point poignantly is how you said that word. Because she's a therapist, and she's literally a job. I love her. I sometimes I hope that Mary listens to my podcast, just so she can hear my sweet voice saying how much I love her. But she said in a session when we were talking about this, that what we do in life is kind of like the clothes that we wear. When they no longer fit, what do we do, we take them off, and we buy new clothes, right? We try different things on to figure out what we like. And what we do in life, or for life, or for a living is not always going to be the same thing. And that's okay, right? We as a generation, in my opinion, millennials and younger generations, are really starting to, again, in my opinion, pioneer the okayness of pivoting, when things aren't the way that you want them to be, or they don't feel the way that you want them to feel, or they don't, they don't produce the outcome that you you want for your life. And as someone who has done this a lot, as someone who has said, This is what I'm doing for the rest of forever. And then like a year or two later said, Oh, I actually don't want to do that anymore. A lot, right? Because I've done that a lot. And I recognize that and I own up to that there is a power in recognizing when things are no longer for you. And I want this to hit the people it needs to hit. So if you are someone who are like you're like me, and you feel like you're constantly trying to figure out like where you belong, or what you're supposed to be doing, I want you to know that that's a superpower like it is a power it is a strength, not a weakness, to recognize, hey, this job that I spent lots of money to get a degree on looking at myself with my teaching degree, is not what I want for my life that I know, that's not what I want for me. And I'm going to forge my own path and take the risk to try to figure out what is going to be for me, and I'm going to do things like break the societal norms of like working in retail or working in a restaurant or being a bartender for a few years in my late 20s While I figured this out, or I'm going to do something that no one in my family has ever done before, and start my own business and try to figure out how I can monetize what I like to do that way. Or I'm going to intentionally go to the bars on Saturday night and try to find like a sugar daddy, more power to you, girlfriend. I love that for you. I would love for that to happen to me. Sorry, Lucas. But just know that like, it's okay. And that that is a superpower for you to recognize when it's time to pivot and when it's time to change. And I think the thing that I take solace in when it comes to changing my mind, because I've changed my mind. Even recently, even even in 2024 I have said things at the beginning of the year that I no longer agree with or would say now, you know, seven months later, I think the thing that I have done to allow myself to be okay with knowing that changing my mind isn't a bad thing is reminding myself that it's never too late to to figure out what you want to do. We see all the time, people in their like mid to late 40s or early 50s Or even later who like win awards or recognitions for things that they have been, you know, figuring out that they like or trying to do for years and years and years. There's nothing wrong with that. And the other thing that makes me feel in find comfort in being someone who changes her mind a lot is when I take a sec when I when I take a second to really think about my life. I realized that I've done so many things that I would not have otherwise experienced. If my brain didn't work like this if my brain wasn't constantly seeking out what is truly going to make me happy. And for those of you who are thinking I think Maddy has ADHD I probably do like I'm not even lying like Mary and I have had the conversation. Because doesn't this sound like dopamine chasing because it really does. But in all seriousness, like, there are so many things that I've done in my life that I would never have done. If I had the type of brain like my husband. And this is not like to shame anyone, he is very much happy to work a nine to five job for the rest of forever, he finds a lot of peace in that he finds a lot of joy in that he finds a lot of comfort in that. And I love that for him. And there has been time there had been times where I think, why can't I be like that? Why is my brain not like that? I wish it was. But then I think, but girl, you've done so many cool things. Because your brain isn't like that. And I just, I share this, again, to just let you know if your brain is also like mine. And it's constantly seeking the next thing that's going to get you excited and focused and on task and all those things. There's nothing wrong with that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. And if you are someone who is listening to this, and you're older, you have kids, you you, you know are like in your 40s or 50s or late 30s are 145 million years old or whatever. And you're like, Yeah, I actually hate what I'm doing. I think I want to change my mind change it. Who says you can't change it? Right? The rules are made up. And the first time I heard that it kind of melted my brain, the rules are made up, almost every rule is made up, right. So why not be the person to break it? Why not be the person to say actually, I don't agree with that. And so I'm gonna go this way, y'all can continue to go to the right, but I'm going to the left, because there's something about it feels right to me something, something about it feels good to me, right. And I just think that that's an that's a curious thing to think about. So I feel like this episode was kind of all over the place. But just know that if you are someone who feels like you are constantly like, if you were to draw a map of your life, your line is like zigzagging all over the place and like going in a crazy, chaotic direction. There's nothing wrong with that. And if you are someone who has pivoted in your life multiple times, because you get to a certain point and you think, Oh, that's not for me, or I don't want that for myself. That's a superpower, genuinely, rerouting and recognizing when you need to reroute in order to to feel joy and to be happy is such a strength. Because when you do that you are constantly living in a state of joy and contentment, this and filling your cup versus staying sag, stagnant and just doing what you're doing. Because it's what you've always done. Okay. So again, I know that this episode was very, very random and very, very all over the place, but I hope it hit the people that it needed to hit. And if you are someone who when you think about like if you were to like draw your life map on a piece of paper and like not pick up your pencil, if your piece of paper has like a bunch of scribble travels on it, like mine does. Send me a message because I know I'm not the only one and I can guess what kind of living in sunshine personality you are. Just by the way that your little picture would look like if you were to draw your your your little line on a map. So let me know what you think of today's brand new episode. Send me a message if you listen, let me know your biggest takeaways, all those good things. I will be back in another couple of weeks with a brand new episode. I'm so excited to roll into August with you guys. I think that summer has been amazing that your summer has been amazing. And you're gearing up for that crazy back to school season because I feel like that's always just how this time of year goes. But until next time, I'm sending you all the sunshine, good vibes. And I hope you make it a great day.