The Lessons I've Learned
Hey girl, I’m Maddy (from @livingnsunshine on Instagram), and welcome to The Lessons I've Learned podcast! Every two weeks you can tune into a brand new episode about a different lesson I've learned so far in my life--and trust me, I've learned A LOT! My hope for this show is to make space for you to learn from me so that when you learn the same lesson I have, you feel less alone. Grab a drink and get cozy and let's listen to the lesson I've learned.
The Lessons I've Learned
Ep. 3: The Lesson I Learned About SETTING GOALS
I’ve been a girl who sets goals for a looooooooong long time now and many times before, I’ve shared with you the ins and outs of setting goals, working towards them, and how to make sure they’re aligned with your bigger vision for your life. In today’s The Lesson I Learned episode, I am going to be sharing with you the one component of goal setting I don’t think people talk enough about – the feelings side of goals.
If you have goals you’re working on this year (cuz don’t we all?) this is the episode for you. So come on in, grab your favorite drink, and lets learn this week’s lesson about goal setting.
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